What are the mission and goals of the club?
- Decrease the stigma about talking about mental health! If everyone is dealing with something, why not make it easier to talk about it, so we can all support one another and feel less alone?!
- Talk about and try different tools to increase mental wellness.
- Talk about and share resources.
- Build a supportive community where we can all connect when life gets overwhelming and we just need a break and someone to talk to!
Sign up to join our Remind using the QR code below!
What happens at the Ready to Hope Club meetings?
- Club meetings are intended to be a place to come and relax, talk, play games, eat donuts, and gain tools and resources.
- We will have topics for each meeting but they’re all just meant to be fun and a way to connect over the shared goal of just normalizing talking about mental health!
When are club meetings?
Club meetings are held in the Business Office (F111) before school on the following dates:
- August 28: Games and Intros and Donuts
- September 11: Assess Your Stress
- September 25: Getting Organized (Or, how to feel less stressed by getting organized)
- October 23: Mental Wellness and Faith (Does faith impact mental wellness? Maybe, maybe not- let’s talk about it!)
- November 6: Friendships
- November 20: Games and Finals Planning
Who can I reach out to if I have questions?
Erin Suhy (317) 764-6880″¬
Noelle Johnson (317) 674-2187
Mia Fleming (317) 764-3636″¬