Shake off the pressure and stress to be anyone other than authentically you!


We’re so glad you’re here.

Our mission is to bring teens together and create an experience where they can gain skills and learn tools so that they feel confident, authentic, and connected, and ready to take on all that life tosses their way.

A blue and white graphic with the words " let 's stay connected !"


* indicates required
A wooden deck with the sky in the background
A view of the water from across the lake.
Work With Us

our services

A black and white logo for the ready to host program.

retreats and workshops

The heart of our work is in the in-person experience where you get to connect with others. These intensives offer a chance to dive deep in a day or two, for powerful shifts and growth.

A view of the water from across the lake.

group experiences

We believe deeply in the power of connection, to teach, to heal, and to open new doors for insight and change.

A wooden deck with the sky in the background

long term support

Completing a retreat, workshop, or multi-week group experience is never the last touchpoint you will have with us or your group members. You will have support at your fingertips for as long as you desire it.

A logo of the ready to hope project.