Why to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

Why to try a Ready to Hope Workshop

Four Reasons to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

This month we’re talking about mental health trends in 2025, and sharing about Ready to Hope- essentially, our little effort to make a dent in the mental health world of young adults.

So this week we are turning our attention to the question: 

A blue background with the words find us here written in white.

For starters: if you’d like to find out more about what to expect in a RTH workshop, you can check out our last post, but in a nutshell, what happens at a RTH workshop is:

  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Connection
  • Sharing tools and resources
  • Sharing your experience, what you’ve been through, what you’re going through, and learning from the experiences of others
  • Snacks, laughter, lighthearted games and icebreakers (but not the annoying kinds
Four Reasons to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

One of the absolute best ways to buffer yourself from mental health struggles is to feel that you have people you can count on and lean on and turn to when life- or even just your mood- goes a little sideways. 

While we have many goals for our Ready to Hope workshops, our most important goal is that you would come and make connections. Even just one connection, with one individual, can be an invaluable resource when you feel like you need a friend to text or call in a pinch. 

And we coach this. The truth is, a lot of us aren’t great at saying, “hey, do you have a sec?” when we need to lean on a friend. That’s why we make it such a priority. 

So why try a workshop? The number one reason: building connections. 

Did you just think to yourself, “aren’t  connection and community basically the same thing?” 

If you did, first: we love you. We love that you are thinking like that.

And if you did, second: amazing question! And the answer is no!

Connections are individual. Community is, well- communal.

Four Reasons to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

So why attend a RTH workshop? First- for all the little connections and relationships you can build

But secondly: for the community. 

By community, what we mean is this- when you’ve gone through a workshop or several workshops, you have a network of people who get it. They know the RTH banter and language and tools and resources and references.

Another great way of protecting your mental health is to feel a sense of belonging. And once you’ve participated in a RTH workshop, you belong to the RTH community. They’ve got your back. 

A component of every Ready to Hope workshop is to discuss and share and ideally even try out mental health resources and tools. 

From guided meditation to guided journaling, mindful movement to mindful breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and more- you’ll learn about what’s out there. 

Four Reasons to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

The goal is that you can become acquainted with those tools and resources that you find most helpful. Some you will love, some will not help a bit, and some will annoy the heck out of you.

And some will become habits that support your mental wellness. And some will become tools you turn to when you need a boost.

Either way: you’ll be more equipped to take care of your mental wellness outside of the workshops. Which is the ultimate win!

Yes, it might sound a little scary to walk into a group where the subject is mental health.

And the truth is: growing stronger, whether it’s your muscles or your mental health, does take some effort. You do have to do good work to get stronger in any area of your life. 

But the final reason you should attend a Ready to Hope workshop is that you will never be expected to do anything or say anything you’re not ready to do or say.

Want to come and observe? That’s cool. Want to share just a bit but keep some stuff close to the vest (for now)? Also cool.

Four Reasons to Try a Ready to Hope Workshop

Whatever you are ready for, it’s cool. More even than we want you to leave with tools and resources, we want you to feel safe and comfortable. 

Because maybe that means you’ll come back, and maybe in time you’ll share more.

But want to just sit back and chill? Totally okay with us.

A blue banner with the words " find us here ".

We hope this has all helped you think about why you’d like to try out a Ready to Hope workshop, and we hope you’re saying- absolutely! I am in!

If you are, hop on our email list below and we will keep you updated on our workshop dates!

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