How to start the school year off strong

To Start the School Year Off Strong: Use Your Resources 

A chalkboard with the words " what you may not know about your school counselor but probably should :)".

We are finally wrapping up our posts about kicking off the school year! So far we’ve talked about your school counselor and all of the ways that they can support you, and now as we close the month, we are talking about how to start the school year off strong.

Last week we looked at how important it is to embrace your role of student, and that if you can look at it as your job, then you can prioritize your well-being so that you have the energy to succeed. 

To Start the School Year Off Strong

This week we’re going to talk about resources! Obviously we spent a good bit of time talking about your school counselor as your main touchpoint- the person you can go to with anything, anytime, who will do what they can to support you.

Get organized and stay organized: use a calendar system of some sort 

Did you know that there are adults in this world who have never used a calendar?!

Shocking, right?

I’m kind of joking but the truth is- my husband is one of those guys, and like others who don’t use a calendar, he often forgets important commitments, and drops a lot of balls.

To Start the School Year Off Strong

It is of course possible to remember everything in your brain- but it’s not likely, and why take the chance? The more you can use a calendar of some sort to capture deadlines and other important dates, the more likely you will be to not just be on top of things, but feel more on top of things and more in control. 

Use whatever calendar you like, and it may take some trial and error to figure out what you do indeed like, but it’s worth the time to experiment.

Many schools provide a paper calendar and you may find that is all you need. In fact, as schools begin to implement rules that keep phones out of the classroom, you may find that, at least in school, you want to capture deadlines and dates in a paper calendar, even if you choose to transfer them to a digital calendar later. 

For digital calendars, there are tons of apps out there!

iCal and Outlook probably the most popular, and they are free to use. A big benefit is that they sync across devices, so if you input a deadline on your phone, it will also be on your calendar on your computer. 

There are tons and tons of other calendar apps out there, so if you  love to play with apps, want to be a little more creative, or just aren’t sure you love something like iCal or Outlook, by all means, spend the time researching and figuring out something you love! 

To Start the School Year Off Strong

You can also use your digital calendar or another app to set reminders.

Again, it’s up to you to find out what app you love the most, but reminders are great for being able to give yourself a head’s up about an upcoming project, to start studying for a test, or items you may need to bring to class.

Get organized and stay organized: have some sort of home base for your school stuff, and do your best to find the systems that work best for organizing all your materials. 

Even as we become more and more online, notebooks and handouts and textbooks still exist, so do what you can to keep them all organized.

If you have your own room, even in a small space you can designate a corner, or ideally you have a desk. But having a place to drop your school work and know where to find it when it comes time to buckle down will always serve you well. Not only will you not lose precious time seeking out your materials, but that time you save will be time you can spend doing things you love! 

Your teachers are a resource! 

Hopefully you have at least a couple teachers you click with and enjoy and feel comfortable going to with questions and for support. 

And the truth is: you may not click with every teacher, but for the most part you’re going to have to figure out how to work with them and still do your best.

Let’s talk about this for a minute. 

First: sometimes first impressions aren’t final impressions.

You may think your teacher seems too strict or distant or challenging or dismissive, but when you speak to them one on one you discover they’re quite different, and they can become an ally and a resource.

But either way, you’ll want to do everything you can to make sure your teacher knows you care.

Because when they know you care, they are more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if you get in a pinch or are on the borderline with your grade.

To Start the School Year Off Strong

So do your best to at least have a respectful relationship with your teacher, where even if you may not love their teaching style or personality, you are showing up to class focused and ready to work. These little actions go a long way towards making your teachers your allies and advocates. 

One final time: your counselor is a big resource!

As we’ve discussed this whole month, they want to see you succeed! 

They are there for you for all four years, and love to get to know their students. 

Just like your teachers- or parents or employers or coaches, for that matter- the more they know your true intentions and get to know you as a person, the better they can support you.

So take the time to get to know your counselor. Even if you have minimal interactions with them, you will certainly have to work with them for scheduling, so in those moments, be engaged and open and let it be an opportunity to create a connection so that you can feel comfortable reaching out to them when you need them!

To Start the School Year Off Strong

Use your local resources! 

When it comes to local resources that will support your success in school, we’re mostly talking either academic resources or mental wellness resources.

And once again- your counselor is the best person to help you connect with those resources.

Your counselor will be able to help you find tutors, counselors, and any other professional that you might need in order to succeed. 

All you have to do is ask, so remember: your counselor is there for you, wants to support you, and is invested in you achieving your goals! 

We’ve covered a lot this month, and I hope you have found it helpful. 

As always, we love to field your questions and comments and get to know you, so never hesitate to reach out! 

And in the meantime, if you’d like to stay connected and hear about upcoming workshops, join our email list below and/or follow us on Instagram or Facebook, also below!

We hope your school year is an incredible one and that you feel empowered and on top of things- but we are always here for you if you need a little (or a lot of) support!

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