Ready to Hope Mental Wellness Workshops for Teens

Announcement: A Ready to Hope Club at Carmel High School!

A white background with the words announcing ready to hope club at carmel high school.

We are so excited to be able to announce that we will now have a student interest club at Carmel High School!

The Ready to Hope Club is designed to give students a chance to come together and talk about what is on their hearts and minds with the goal to gain tools, resources, and connections to combat stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

It will be similar to our mental wellness workshops in that we will welcome whatever topics or issues students bring to the conversations, but (for obvious reasons) the conversations will not go as in-depth as we would at a workshop.

So what will club meetings look like? 

Connection and conversation! Since Ready to Hope is all about meeting you exactly where you are, you can come just to connect, just for the random treats, or just to get to school early and avoid the traffic!

Just kidding. Sort of.

Ready to Hope Mental Wellness Workshops for Teens

In all seriousness, the mission is simply to give us just one more opportunity to provide a safe space where you can bring whatever might be stressing you out, overwhelming you, or even whatever you might simply want to bounce off others.

Things we might talk about could include:

  • The fact that it’s midterms and no one is getting enough sleep, no one feels totally prepared, and everyone just wants to get on the other side of them.
  • Relationships. Struggles with friends who you thought were friends but maybe aren’t acting like real friends. Or stress at home and you and your parents not being on the same page. Not knowing if it’s time to break up (or get serious) with your person.
  • Body image, body confidence, wanting to figure out how to feel good in your body and not obsess about it and not compare yourself.
  • And more. So much more. Whatever you want, actually!
Ready to Hope Mental Wellness Workshops for Teens

In addition, we’ll talk about tools and resources.

You can share what has helped you, and hear from others who have had success handling their challenging feelings and experiences. 

As with all Carmel High School student interest clubs, it is student-led, but will have a CHS staff sponsor and Ready to Hope adult facilitators volunteering to help.

What to know:

  • Meeting Times: 8:00AM to 8:50 on non late start Wednesdays
  • Meeting Location: F111 (Business Department meeting room)
  • Grades: All grades are welcome
  • Requirements: The only requirement is that you come with an open heart and an open mind and agree to the simple guidelines regarding confidentiality and respect for others that we will cover at the beginning of each meeting.
  • You can probably count on a treat or snack of some sort. 🙂  

Questions? Email us here! 

And follow us on Instagram so you never miss an update!

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